Bioresonance Therapy and High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a very serious health problem for millions of people. What makes it more alarming that one can go without a diagnosis for a long time, the reason it is called a silent killer.

Blood pressure is a measure of the force pushing outwards on our arterial walls. The higher the blood pressure harder the heart is working to push the blood through arterial circulation.  Blood pressure is a result of two forces. The first one is as a result of the heart pumping the blood into the arteries (systolic) and the other is created when the heart rests between the heart beats (Diastolic.

Chronic and untreated hypertension has very damaging effect in a number of ways. It damages and weakens the walls of the blood vessels and/or result in scarring of their walls that then promotes plaque deposition and risk of coronary heart disease. Increased risk of blood clots, tissue and organ damage from narrowed and blocked arteries and increased workload on the circulatory systemcan over time result in damage to the heart itself. The muscles and valves in the heart can become damaged and result in heart failure. Furthermore, damage to the vessels that supply blood to the kidneys and brain may affect these organs.

Although you may not feel  wrong for a long time, but unchecked hypertension (high blood pressure) can permanently damage your heart, brain, eyes and kidneys and often lead to heart attack and heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other adverse health effects. View an animation of high blood pressure.

Although there is no specific cause we can point to that causes hypertension but risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, diabetes, lack of exercise, stress, chronic alcohol use, aging and family history are well understood.

Once diagnosed the most common treatment for hypertension is to identify the risk factors and make appropriate lifestyle and dietary changes. Losing weight, quitting smoking, managing stress, eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and reducing alcohol intake are the most effective lifestyle changes to bring hypertension under control. There a variety of medications your doctor can prescribe for directly helping to reduce blood pressure and other contributing factors such as cholesterol and lipids.
Alternative medical treatments and therapies, especially the ones that reduces long-term use of chemical drugs in favor of natural remedies including biofeedback therapies are becoming more and more proficient and popular. One of the rapidly growing biofeedback therapy that is effective in diagnosing and controlling hypertension is bioresonance therapy or bioresonance biofeedback therapy. Bioresonance devices from Oberon Biofeedback are the gold standard. They are the original and authentic Bioresonance Therapy Machines that provide three-year warranty and industry’s best training and customer support.